Saturday, July 12, 2014

19:30 after three days off....

"Do you I sweat to much, when I can take my head band off and ring it out and I leave a puddle of waste behind?"  I have always sweated a lot.  I have the honor of being the second sweetest walker Coach JC has ever had the pleasure of coaching!  I where it like a badge of honor.  For me sweat is everything.  I went and worked out and didn't sweat no matter how hard I worked I wouldn't feel like I did anything.

Ive been off for three days and I know that is bad.  The first day I was off because I worked till past 10.  I have been good at walking late, but when you work in Pleasanton and live in San Jose, there has to be limits, especially when there is a doggy pup at home that hasn't been fed.  Thank the light RG had been home to walk her in the mid day.

The 2nd day is because I and to get Fancy and go to the Ruby Hill Golf Club.  Very Fancy, in deed.  There was good food, drinks, I got blanked 15 - 0 in Bocce.

Finally, Friday, I have no excuse.  I came home to change to go to the pool.  I laid down with the puppy.  I stared talking to a friend and well the rest is history.  Doggy Pup and I got a big surprise last night when RG finally came back home.  IT did ruin our plans of having a hookers and cocaine party, but hey we can win them all.  It is nice to have our roommate home.

I went out just after 5 for 50 minutes today.  It was still really hot.  However, I pushed through it.  I was wheezing then entire time and right at the 45 minute mark I boinked.  So I went nay 2.55 miles.  However, I was able to maintain an average under 20 minutes.  Actually over the 40 minute main set, i walked a 19:11 minute mile.  That is getting pretty good.  I know it is 16 or bust come January, but we have to start some where.  We are 7 months away from the event.  It is going to be hard, but we are going to bring this down slowly.

The log tell me since April we have walked almost 90 miles and walked for over 31 hours.  Apparently i have burned 40066 Kcals as well.  I have no idea what that means, but there you have it.

I even tried out my new porkins shirt today.  Pretty fly right.... Am I porkins or the great pumping you decide.  The sweat marks are pretty hot right....

I have had a lot of good conversations this week.... I am going to call out two friends who were awesome this week, Gabrielle Elise and Kelly Ray thank you both for letting me bend your ear.  I didn't get to see Sweet Sue this week and you guys rallied to me when I was down.  I appreciate that more than you will no.

this fight isn't over.  I used last week.  I fell.  However, I know why i did it.  The only thing you can do when you fall is stand up again and keep going.  I haven't quit.  So don't quit on me.  I know so many people have. I know its easy to say just eat better and do it.  Its not that simple.  If it was their wouldn't be a billion dollar diet industry.  I am finding my path.  I see what i am afraid of now and I choose to face it. Head on.  I can't be scared anymore.  It is time to rise.

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