Monday, July 14, 2014

A matter of results...

AS time moves on there will be more on and more focus on the results of my exploits.  Because my exploits are producing results.  Gabe got back after being gone for two weeks today and asked me how much weight i have lost!  Even though the answer is little to none, the point is we are seeing results.  The weight is redistributing itself.  You can't walk as much as I have walked and swam as much as I have swam and not get some results.  You can't.  I am dealing with my personal shit.  I am taking on my demons head on.  That is still a work in process.  We will continue documenting my life change here.  However, I think we have to take stock in results we are getting.

Speaking of results.  RG is back home and not only that she went to Tri training on Saturday and swam.  Her life will never be same as it was before she went into the hospital.  However, not even a week out of the hospital I was amazed by how active she has been.

So, one of the things her and did this weekend was start doing those nasty little house projects that you never want to do.  I dove into my my clothes, drawers, and closet on this weekend.  Then when i went out walking she dove into her closet and bathroom.

Then on Saturday afternoon we started on organizing the kitchen.  Like so many things once you start going done a path, it gets very dark and dirty very quickly.    Being a life long bachelor I had accumulated a lot of shit.  I had plates, knifes, forks, and spoons from two or three different couples.  I still had the first can opener I ever bought and it was rusted and nasty but it was mine.  We tossed it.  We tossed most of this shit.  Like the first hand towels I bought in the summer of 1999.  We got midevil on the kitchen.  RG even made me throw out my first grill burger flipper because it was rusty.  That thing was old, really old.  I might have moved to California with it.  I will miss Rusty.  There was nothing sacred.  We even went through the first cabinent in the garage and found out that I had gatoraide which expired in 2012.  I had coke that expired in 2013.  Basically, we tossed out a lot of shit. 

Cleaning and organizing is hard work.  We spent hours in the kitchen.  We spent hours on our feet.  Well I did.  RG spent most of her time on a chair, but not sitting on it, but standing on it.  We had to get to those hard to reach places.  I am very happy how the kitchen looks!  I am even more proud that RG and I did it together.  It was the first step on the path to a healthier happier life!!!!

P.s.     Ths is a good looking Cow!!!!!

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