Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Issue with Jock Itch


You have to know when you read the title that Billy b really is the open book he wants to be and he should close it a little bit for all of our sakes or that shenanigans have or will be ensued.  All I can say is that you have read and you tell me what you think.    Or read and keep your fucking mouth shut because at the end of the day if I truly wanted your opine I would ask.  Or just laugh a little or laugh a lot. 

I will say one fundamental truth.  A truth we all know.  A truth we all live with.  It is a truth that is plan as the nose on your face.  Fungus is not Fun! 

Don’t believe me, there is even a website to that extent:

The fact doesn’t change, fungus isn’t fun!

According to statistics gathered by Lamisil and Exos Knowledge 15% of the general population have what I call the itch?  8% of all swimmers get the itch.  Even worse are 20% of all males over the age 16 will have the itch at one point or another in their life?  If you think recovering from an eating disorder sucks, its nothing compared to that itching, burning, feeling you get in places you would rather not blog about. 

I have had the itch on and off for as long as I can remember.  It was contracted and thus my long and painful battled with Athletes foot began.  Look I know fungus isn’t a cool blog topic, but sometimes you have to be full disclosure.  Yes, my name is Billy b and I have athlete’s foot, a.k.a. the itch.  Now most people when referring to the itch mean the poison ivy.  Which is an itch of a different kind all together?  However, since I have not had Poison Ivy since I was 22 we are not going to talk about it.  Who can forget that?  I was at the Roach Motel in Bloomington, the last night of my 4th year of school.  I come across this lovely chic who I always had a crush on and all I could think about talking to her about was “Hey, I have poison ivy.” Yes, Billy b who was 22 that is gonna get you the hook up every time.  FAIL.  So let’s not get started on the Midwestern Itch or the Outdoor Itch.   Because we are talking about the Athletes Feet and that is much better after all. 

After years of being Itch free I went on a swimming binge last Q4.  I swam, and I swam, and I think I swam a little bit more.  Then one fateful night, I must have forgotten my flip flops and I still had to shower, b/c you need a hot shower after swimming in 40 degree weather and BAM, the itch was back.  It has been hiding between my pinky toe and the 4th toe.  It comes and goes and goes and comes and it hurts big big.  It burns.  It scratches.  It itches.  So bad in fact that I scratched and scratched on Saturday night until I fucking bled.  Yes, I bled.  It was bad.

So, then lets rewind to last Sunday.  I sprung RG from the hospital.  We had to go to Walgreens, which I am convinced, now more than ever is the Circus Circus of the Pharmacy world.   She was getting her meds.  I was like fuck my toes still really hurt.  I need to treat this shit and my lotion just isn’t doing the trick.  So, I look and look for the itch spray.  I see everything else from powder to Jock Itch to fucking hemroid cream and back again, but nowhere did I see athlete foots spray or even cream.   That is when I did something very unmanly.  I went and asked the pharmacist.  At this point RG is sitting down and waiting for her RX and I am thankful because this where shit gets a little weird, or at least at the time I was. 

The pharmacist tells me it on the back wall.  In the foot section right between the Powder and the Roid cream it should be sitting there.  So I waltz back over there and I come face to face with the usual names:  LAmasil, Lotrim, fast acting tinactin, gold balm powder, Micatin.  You name it the name was there, but they all read JOCK ITCH.  I didn’t have Jock itch.  I don’t think I have ever had the Jock itch.  And on the scale of fungi Jock itch sounds a lot worse in my mind than Athletes foot.  No idea why.  However, admit it, it does in your mind too.  Admit it, damn u!  Because it does I will prove it. 

So, I go back to the lady and ask here where is the Athletes foot stuff.  She walks me out.  She walks me over to exactly where she said and points to the Jock Itch spray.  There it is she says.  I am like but that is Jock Itch.  I don’t have Jock Itch.  Oh no she says it is all fungi fighting stuff and the basic fungus is the same, so the formula is the same.  It is just a marketing thing by the drug companies.  I am standing thinking WHO IN THE FUCK ARE THESE MARKETERS because they are worse than the people who came up with New Coke and calling Pizza Hut just the HUT.  There only one mother fucking Hutt and it is Jabba the Hutt, so fuck you Pizza Hut. 

So, I let her walk away.  I stand there and debate with myself on whether or not I am actually going to buy a Jock Itch spray.  I am telling you it just makes people look at you differently. 

It started with the cashier.  He did a double take.  He literally, looked at the can.  Then looked and me and then back down.  However, his face said it all.  Oh dude I am sorry you have the Jock Itch, I wouldn’t want to be you.  So I am trying to hide this thing canister of JOCK ITCH Spray and not let anyone else see that I have it.  Because I am dude right, and I don’t have no purse and what most people don’t understand about California is you have to pay for bags now, so I don’t got no bag for my Jock Itch spray.  However, I have to get in the car.  So, it’s hard enough for me to get in a car when I don’t have a spray can in my hand, so without thinking, I had the can to my roommate as I slide into the car and when I seat belt up she practically throws the canister at me as if I had actually handed her jock itch and not a can that said it.  He eyes were hug and she was like um Billy b is there something you want to explain here?  So I tried to explain to her what the pharmacist told me.  Although she said ya all fungus is the same, her eyes told a different story.  She was judging me.  Her eyes said it all, you need to shower more often you dirty bastard and get some fucking compression shorts.  I could only shake my head and put the car in drive and go home in shame.

So I marched in the house and without thinking put my canister of jock itch spray on the coffee table.  No wonder shortly after my roommate left to stay at her aunts for a week or so.  I go and look up:  Lamasil, Lotrim, fast acting tinactin, gold balm powder, Micatin and guess what they all still sell Athlete’s foot spray.  I told you Walgreens was the Circus Circus of fucking drug stores.  Fuckers!!!! 

However, the next night things got even worse.  I needed help with my bed.  So, I do what I do I called the Hector over.  I never thought he would bring his lady over as well.  You have to remember Hector isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed.  The opposite actually, and I am pretty sure that Shiner might be able to outwit him.  So, I realize the canister is still sitting and I try to move it.  And he blurts out Oh ya, I saw that so you have JOCK ITCH, that’s messed up.  All I could do was hang my head in shame.  I mean was it even worth trying to explain.   I just started laughing and laughing and laughing!!!!  What else can you do when everything things you have Jock Itch!

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