Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Things I am learning as I grow up, so I can find the love I deserve and live the life I want (Part 3)

Things I am learning as I grow up, so I can find the love I deserve and live the life I want (Part 3)   

I see Sue sitting across from me.  She is talking to me and repeating the same message over and again “Learn to accept the love t you already have in your life.  Do not put blinders on and don’t limit the scope so much.  You are building a false reality and becoming the victim in your own sob story!”  I can hear her saying it to me.  I can feel the weight of her words.  They are heavy.  The truth of the matter is though she is right.  I have to expand my vision.  I have to see the love around me.  I can no longer just focus on the love that I am not getting from someone who could not offer it. 

I told you the story about the Truth about Suzie.  I told you how I have searched high and low for acceptance from someone else.  I told you one part of the story.  Do you know how many Suzie’s there have been in my life?  More than I can possibly count on both hands.  I could do the list.  However, I don’t think that would help anything.  For most of the 10 years that I have been seeing Sue there has been someone who was not giving me the love I need.  Honestly, I don’t think I have ever said a truer statement in my life.  The love I was not getting came from one place and one place only.  That love never came from me. 

The whole miserable time I sat there with my glass half empty I whined about not having love.  I was starved for it.  At this moment in time I realize that the love I needed from the inside.  So we are getting off track of what I wanted to talk about. 

I am a lucky man.  That is a fact.  I might be 460 pounds, I don’t know, I refuse to weigh.  I might have shit knees that want to give out from the weight they bare.  I might have more cracks on my feet than the moon has craters, but that matter little.  I might be 38 and single and honestly never had a long term real relationship.  I have no children.  I don’t even have my own puppy, I borrow my roommates.  With all that said I am a lucky man.  I am graced with love all around me. 

I don’t always appreciate the love that I am surrounded by.  As a matter of fact I often times forget all about it.  I am not going to sit here and say that everyone loves Billy b.  That would definitely not be a true statement.  What I will say is to know Billy b, I mean to really know him, to peel back the fat, and know him.  I would most of those people that have taken that ride, do in fact love me.  Bold, I know.  However, I think I speak truth. 

I have never stopped and embraced the support that is all around me.  Look at what I have done as misguided soul?  I have built a successful career.  I have started to embrace my Gods given gifts.  I have completed over twenty endurance events.  I did all of this while I didn’t love myself or embrace the love around me.  What do you think we will accomplish now that I realize that I need to take all this in?  I think the sky is the limit, don’t you?

It starts with taking the blinders off.  It starts with appreciating all the lives that I touch.  I am a good Uncle to my nieces and nephews.  I am the fun crazy Uncle in California.  I love those kids so much.  A lot of the reasons I want to get healthy is so I can go run and play with them and enjoy spending time with them.  That type of love I get from the little ones means more to me than you can possibly imagine.  I have a little not I read every day on my desk about the positives in my life and guess what they are part of the things I am thankful for being a live for.  This type of positive energy and thinking could take me far. 

The gift of friendship is one that I have always taken for granted.  I am blessed with the most amazing people around me.  Good, strong people who would do anything for me.  I have the best support group anyone could ask for.  I won’t try to list them all here or even any of them.  The point is they know who they are.  They know they are in my life. They are the ones who come in and read this blog every day.  They are the ones that see in me what I never could.  The man I so desperately want to be. 

My family is like anyone’s family full of ups and downs and strikes and gutters.  We are a family.  To sit here and say we are perfect would be a lie.  To say we live life and wade through the velvet sea is more accurate.  My family loves me.  I know that.  I appreciate that.  I know in my heart they truly want me to be the best Billy b that I can be. 

When I get low, and I will get low I have to open my eyes and see the love I have around me.  I have to start embracing it.  Accepting it and nurturing it because after all there is nothing more powerful than the power of love. 

I am ready to open my mind and my heart to the universe.  I am ready to accept love.  I am ready to appreciate what I have, so that I can build to what I want, and that is a life worth living. 

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