Monday, July 7, 2014

some days....

some days you just don't have it.  you can't but two or three sentences together to express what is going on in your mind.  your tired.  really tired.  it is the dog woke me up at 4 a.m. b/c she thought it was time for breakfast, but it wasn't, then when I got back in bed the wheel on my bed frame popped off and made my bed lopsided tired.  that isn't a joke.  that is what happened to me last night at 4 a.m.  it was one of those rare times when I just went with it and followed the dog out to the living room without looking at my phone.  I honestly thought it was gonna be a pee, but when went and just sat next to her bowl, looked at the bag of iams and the looked back there was no mistaking her intent.  you walk back in your bedroom and she finally comes back in.   I am the only one who gets to eat around here at 4 a.m.  and I try really hard not to do that.  So go and kneel on my bed and i hear a crack, a bang, and boom and feel the bed go down a notch and I am like or fuck my mother fucking life, are you fucking kidding me right now.  I am not.  so its a big bed.  I can't move it on my own and there was dog on it, so i say fuck it and I jump back in and sleep lopsided for the next 4 hours.  so... i am tired.  real tired.

i have to say one thing though.  i am also a little proud of myself.  i kicked ass last night on the walk I didn't want to do.  I had one segment where I did a 17 miles per minute time.  It was only a quarter mile, but hey, i did it.  i was beat before I went out, but I didn't let that stop me.  which is good.  i have been pushing myself really hard again.  I am swimming and walking.

2014 is my year... and I am going to do it....

ok... since this blog sucks and I am not saying anything of importance I will sign off now....

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