Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Let's Laugh....

“I believe in the power of laughter and tears as an
antidote to hatred and terror”
Charles Chaplin

I don’t sleep as good as I used too. I sleep the best between to the hours of 2 and 10.  That doesn’t really do much good when you have to be in work in fucking Pleasanton at 9, or really by 8:15 otherwise no charges will be available and you have to put the Rube on charger watch.  Not exactly what he was hired for.  Oh well.  So, I was laying there trying to fall asleep so I could be up on time today.  Getting up on time didn’t happen today.  I ate some bad snack yesterday and every time I think about it, I get a little sick and toss my cookies.  Nature box has been cancelled; I don’t think the hold up to the heat in the office when the AC is shut off.  Plus, I am just over them anyway.  The only thing I really liked was the coffee kettle corn.  That shit was good!  Anyway… That is off topic.  The topic of today isn’t my fucked up work schedule.  Or that NB is out.  No no… it is that I was lying in bed looking at the following picture and I felt it. 

However, more than feeling it, I believed it.  However, I thought it could be taken one step farther and really happiness is good and I can make people happy, I do. However, my real talent isn’t just happiness. No, it is more like this…  “If you have the power to make someone laugh you should, because we all need more laughter!” 
I have always believed that laughter had a magical healing power and not just because Jack said it in the original Batman movie in 1989.  So as I laid there I thought, really other than writing laughter is my other true gift. I am fearless when it comes to laughing at me.  Nothing is to taboo or off topic.  My weight, height, feet, my emotional neediness whatever is all part of the routine. 
I remember over a year ago someone called me the comic relief.  I think I was secretly offended
at the time.  However, in bed last night I realized what a great compliment that really is.  Not everyone has the ability to go from serious to jackass in a blink of an eye. I don’t know how I do it. However, I do.  It is a gift.  Even now as I sit here with the right side of my belly trying to burst and I can’t help myself but try to make the people who support me laugh. 

I see now that being called comic relief was actually a blessing not a curse.  Because it is true,
I am funny. I have a gift for being funny.  I have a gift for being comic relief.  The world could use a lot more laughter, and laughter makes people happy and that is what we all need. 
So laugh more and be happy!  It will fight the pain we deal with.  It will help add a little light to the darkness!!!! 

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