Friday, August 1, 2014

Things I am learning as I grow up, so I can find the love I deserve and live the life I want (Conclusion)

We are at ground zero now.  Three hundred and sixty-five days away from the series of events that would ultimately lead to me wanting to change the person who I am.  Those events are in the past and with the world I have moved on.  I can’t sit here and say it has all been easy.  Most of the time healing isn’t.  There is lots of pain at first.  Then pain every now.  Sometimes it is intense, and sometimes it just there.  Then you go into a phase of lingering pain.  Eventually the pain fades and when you least expect it hits you and then it is gone again.  Each time the pain comes back it is a little duller, like a light bulb burning out, it will never be as bright as the first time you turn it on, no longer how long it lasts.  I am better though and better than I have ever been.  I am on my way to having the life I want.  I know that now.  It isn’t just something I glimpse out of the corner of my eye.  It is something that is real and in my face.  I am now the one who holds the keys to the car in one hand and the map to my life in the other.

We have spoken about so many things this week about what we have to do to have a wonderful life.  We know we have to love ourselves first unconditionally.  We know that we have to have faith our life is out there and more importantly we deserve to have it.  We know that we have to learn to accept the love offered to us.  Just because one door doesn’t open the way you want.  Just because your love isn’t reciprocated the way you want, doesn’t mean that the love doesn’t exist at all, we have to broaden our vision and see the entire galaxy instead of just one passing meteor.  We have to cast aside our expectations about the person who we are going to love or the live we are going to lead.  It is ok to look for things but once again we should never limit ourselves.  We can’t be so laser focused that we allow life, real life to be lived all around us while we are waiting for our dare to be great moment.  This is what we know.  However, now let us touch on what I believe is the final thing I need to learn and do so that I can finally grow up and find the love and the life that I want.

Embrace, nurture, and use the gifts that the universe gave you.  I believe, no I know this is the final step.  I will be point blank here I have three gifts from the universe, ok actually four, but some things are just too personal for a blog.  One will benefit no one it is just being born with the curse of good hair.  All I can do is wash, rinse, condition, and repeat.  Short or long, my hair looks good.  I accept this.  

No, I jest, I do have good hair but it’s not the gateway to a beautiful life.  I am amused it has taken me so long to come to terms with my gifts.  I always remember when I was doing eHarmony that I would always get a question what are the best three qualities I had to offer a partner.  Looking back, I realize now that I never really answered the correctly.  The answer I always gave was my heart, my loyalty, and smile.  All three things are good things.  However, my heart was flawed.  My loyalty isn’t really a good thing because like a dog it is unquestioned and blind.  My smile?  Well you’d have to be the judge of that.  My true gifts are simple: A gift of words, and a gift of laughter.

I have an entire blog on the power of laughter.  However we can all use a little bit more laughter in our lives.  How there is a direct correlation between how happy we are and how much we laugh.  I am quick witted and normally have comeback on my tongue before you have even finished your thought.  For every funny thing I say, there are four other comments that aren’t funny.  I believe you just have to keep putting it out there.  My humor is smart; it is dry, and not always understood.  It is also repetitive.   There is nothing I love more than beating a dead horse.  I ripe on everything, nothing is sacred to me.  I believe I do this for one reason and one reason only because when I laugh hardest and loudest is when I laugh at myself.  I am the punch line in most of my jokes.  I laugh hardest at the mistakes I make.  The stupid situation I get myself into and the picking myself up after a fall, because I might be the biggest klutz on earth and that is ok.  I always felt like I was supposed to change the world.  I realize now that I do.  Every time I make some laugh.  Every time I give them joy and make them smile.  I have changed the world.  So I will keep laughing at the world and mostly at myself, if you will keep laughing with me.  After all my humor is a gift and I must nurture it and let it grow.

Whether it was as a jealous and mean spirited boy growing up.   Or as a witty fat man who has the ability to say what others either won’t or can’t.  My main gift has always been that of words.  It is a gift I have been scared to use for a long time.  Mainly because I was afraid no one would like what I had to say.  That people would have another thing to judge me on.  I realize now that I don’t give a shit what people think about what I write.  I know my grammar is bad.  I know that I use the wrong words.  However, the emotion is there.  The joy, the sadness, the highs, and the lows it is all there on the page for you the reader to take it or leave it. 

I have been so afraid to write.  I was afraid I would offend someone.  However, not writing was not being true to my heart.  That is a mortal sin in my book.  It is me turning my back on my universe and not listening to what it is asking me to do.  I could never be happy if I didn’t.  I had to talk about my broken heart.  My food addiction and my binge eating and let me tell you that ain’t an easy thing to talk about.  I talked about how misguided I have been a lot of my life.  This is all what makes me.  It is the good, the bad, and the ugly. 

I am not afraid anymore to be honest about my life.  I am not afraid to admit that I have a problem and tell you about the pain that it causes me.  I am not afraid to nurture my gift.  So here it is, this blog is me, and I am this blog. I will keep writing because I know some where at some point what I say will help someone else make better decision than what I made.

So looking back on the things I have said this week I can say I am doing what I need to do.  I am moving in the direction that I need to go.  For the reasons I need and those reasons are finding the love and the life I need and want.  It is pushing myself every day to the limits of what I can do.  Every new day begins a new chapter in a life I am proud of.  I know we will get there.  I know each day I get a little bit better than the day before.  Each moment in time we leave behind our old life and grow and work towards the new one.  The old alliances might be dead.  The Black Reaper right has risen.  Finally, I will say I am enjoying and will enjoy every day and moment of my beautiful new life. 





The Tower is Closer!            


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