Sunday, August 31, 2014


Nine thousand, nine hundred, and eighty words.  That is what I patched together over the last week for one story.  They call that type of story a novelette I guess.  A novella that deals with something tribal or sentimental themes.  It is also a narrative work of prose fiction shorter than a novella and longer than a short story.  Examples of such stories include "Children of the Corn" by the master King himself.  The Birds was also a Novelette and google tells me it is the most famous of all time.  I don't really care what you call it.  Tonight marks a wonderful step forward for me.  It marks the first time that I wrote a beginning, a middle, and a end to a story.  the only problem is you can't read it :D  I won't post it here today.  I am superstitious I guess and I don't want anyone to read it until re-write is done, and I sent it out.  the point is I did it.  I really did it.  I am so proud of myself.  I have really been writing a lot in the last year, more than I ever have.  I was told that 2014 was gonna be my year and well I think it is.  So, I am going to bed now happy as can be, and with the knowledge I put my mind to something, I started it and finished it. That feels good!

We are making a difference.  Each day we get a little bit better than the day before.  Each day we get closer to our finish line.  

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