Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Back to my roots (a new look story)

I still look at the above picture and ask myself just what in the fuck happened to me on Saturday night.  The answer keeps coming back, I have not fucking clue, but it must have been one hell of a night for my hair to be looking the way it did.  Either I got stuck in some type of wind tunnel or vortex, tried sniffing model airplane glue for the first time, or just slept on it wrong with my CPAP machine I don’t think it really matters.  Looking at that ridiculousness leads to one question and one question only “Just what the fuck is going on with my hair in the first place.”
It’s not the first time I have had issues with longer hair and it doing whatever the hell it wanted to do.  This takes me back to the time the rooster showed its ugly head.  Literally picture the same picture with no facial hair, and instead of the hair sticking out to the right, it was all standing straight up.  Now picture with each step I took the damn hair flapping back in forth like a rooster getting ready to cock-a-doodle-do.  The vision is not very pleasant is it?  Well the night wasn’t either.  This is honest to god one of Mom Carol’s favorite stories.  It was the only night of the entire summer all three of her boys went to bed before 11 p.m. and she will be damned if my friends don’t carry on a party without us.  It was true.  All three of the brother’s b did go to bed that night early.  It is also true the boys continued to party in the wee hours of the night.  After all we were 17, and young, lived in a cornfield so what else was there to do other than drink copious amounts of Busch and Miller Lite?  Absolutely nothing that is what.  I don’t fault the boys for partying.  Why would I.  Was I angry as hell when Mom Carol woke me at 3 or 4 a.m. and told me to go through out all my friends, yes, yes I was very angry. 
Of course the conversation with Mom Carol started off like every other conversation with her during those days “Who are all the god damned whores in her basement.”  You back then it didn’t matter if my Mom knew your name or not.  It didn’t matter if you were a whore or not.  What mattered if you were in her basement and you woke her up because of noise, every chic became a god damned WHORE.  I can’t make this shit up.  However, unlike most nights when this happened (and yes it happened pretty much every weekend of my high school life) instead of Mom Carol walking down in her night gown and it was a night gown not a teddy as one of my best friends likes to say, and only upon arriving at the bottom of the stairs and then closing her robe, would she yell “Who are all these god damned whores Billy?  I can hear them giggling.  So I know there are whores down here!”  She came and got me out of my bed.  She told me my friends were throwing a rager and it was up to me to get rid of them or she was calling the fucking police.
If you have never seen an angry bear woken up, then you probably have no idea what I am like when woken up middle of the night to throw out the God Damn Whores, but I can tell you that I am not in a good mood.   I am sure I fired off every obscenity in the book to my mom before starting the death march down stairs.  These things usually went very simply.  I walk down stairs, I point to the God Damned Whore in question and I tell them to either leave or tell someone who can drive them home to make them gone.  Usually at the dissatisfaction of some young man who thought he might actually score that night.  Really as legendary as the b basement was, it was not the brothel it was made out to be.  Some legends never live up to expectation.  So I march back to the pool and I tell everyone out and we are going to bed.  They argue and threats of parents being called to pick them up get them moving. 
This is when some poor son of a bitch makes the mistake of telling me my hair flapping around like a roosters is the funniest thing they have ever seen.  This of course leads to me very politely slamming them into the wall.  Then Removing Busch lite from their hand, and dumping it over their head.  Upon realizing this was not punishment enough for them, I pick up said friend and toss in pool and tell them to shut the fuck up and if they ever talk bad of my hair again, there will be repercussions.  Apparently, slamming, pouring, and tossing into bull is not enough.  To this day every time I see said friend he reminds me of the night I came down stairs puffed up like a rooster and insults my flapping hair. 
You can see why this selfie of me was such a problem, right?  It’s all bad juju, all over again.  So, we have to come up with a new hair strategy and that is it.  We must get a cut. 
Actually, I think I was just trying to find a way to make this blog funny.  I am not sure it worked.  The truth is the decision to cut my hair came long before I ever got up Saturday.   I think most decisions re like that aren’t they?  Not made on the fly.  The truth is my hair just wasn’t working for me anymore.  There are lots of reasons why it longer worked.  However, we will stick with it was hot and annoying if you like.  We can also go with sometimes you have to purge everything in order to really start fresh.  We can say maybe we decided it just didn’t look good anymore.  It could have been all of these reasons and none of them.  It doesn’t really matter.  When it is time, it is time. 

So we went the barbar shop and left the floor like this:

We walked out with a cut that took us back to our roots.  Literarily and figuratively, I mean for the first 13 years of my life did Doc Burkle not scalp me and my brothers good?  It is funny whenever my hair is long, I want a buzz.  Whenever it is short I want it long. 

So here is the new look (Yes, I look like a bad ass)!

And the truth if no one likes it that is ok because I know this, Shiner sure does:

Truth be told... Yesterday and Today were some very big new beginnings for myself.  So this haircut is sort of  bridge to my new life and new role, and a healthier and happier me....

Also the cute girl in the office said I look 200% better and with my sunglasses on she said I looked like a badass!!!  Actually got a lot of compliments and I am happy with it. 

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