Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Page 96

Book of 2016
- Page 96 - 

I had to take a sick day today. Yesterday was bad, I felt awful.  Today has been much better.  I got some extra rest and I needed it.  I feel better but am starting to go a little stir crazy from being in the house since 3 p.m. yesterday.  So, i joined the Hall of Faces on HBO's website.  I think it looks pretty good.  I am going to do some more research today.  Have my phone call tomorrow with the eating recovery center.  but really that is all i got.  Currently i am looking int BEDA.  However, I did eat my calories today.  I also have been trying to keep myself busy.  I need to keep myself busy.  i am also getting the race itch b/c it would give me a lot of stuff to do.  Keep my distracted.  I don't know.  really that is all I got today.

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