Monday, April 11, 2016

Page 102

Book of 2016
- Page 102 -

Day 2 on the “Stop Eating Your Heart Out” tour took us to adding feeling to your food diary.  You are supposed to add how you felt before you started eating and why you feel that way.  Oh, I think you are also supposed to add the time you ate and what you ate, but those things are already tracked in my handy dandy My Fitness Pal, so I found the note section and started adding into there. Day 3 was about journaling. I haven’t really journaled in a long time.  I mean perhaps this blog would count as a journal, which is what I thought at first.  However, the truth is there is a lot I still can’t say here.  I am not sure if that makes me a fraud or not.  Some say “Si” and some say “No”.  It is tough because sometimes getting to the root of what is bugging you include going to places and talking about things that you really just want to think to yourself.  

While this blog is meant to be the journey of a middle-aged man (is 40 middle aged? Google had conflicting answers, apparently though according the US Census, I am not).  So let’s retract.  While this blog is meant to be the journey of a man finding his way to health and happiness and becoming the person he is supposed to be.  I don’t think it is a forum to air all my dirty laundry.  For example, if I want to choke a co-worker out because they are being ridiculous, I shouldn’t probably air that here.  However, that could be a reason that leads me to an emotion, and that emotion could be a trigger for me to want to eat.  Same with sometimes you know your friends just piss you off.  I mean really piss you off.  Or some days you just wear the martyr hat and have a pity party for yourself.  These days happen. I think part of the journey of life is finding out that the world doesn’t revolve around you.  So, I am thinking that perhaps I do need to get me an old fashion pen and paper and carry it everywhere I go.  In 2003 I did this.  I lost 65 pounds doing weight watchers and a huge key to that was writing every day in my journal and trust me that journal is fill with the ranting and ravings of a lunatic.  I flipped it not too long ago, really.  I mean some are good basis for stories but some is stuff you have to leave inside.  

Maybe the answer is to write down your feeling in the journal and then from the words on the written page you can determine what blog needs to be written for the day.  Seems like a little too much planning for the likes of this blogger.  Who likes to just open the page and see where his thoughts take him.  Who knows perhaps I have already gotten way to personal.  Some say “Si” and some say “No”!

In the end we are at day 8 of living the 3, 0, 1 life and it is working for us so far!  Have there been temptations sure there have.  There always will be. Maybe that is what I tool like this blog and/or a journal (just ordered 2 off amazon) are good for. 

Walking has also helped.  I have walked every day now for five or six days.  The walking is helped by having puppy.  You have to walk her.  She is just too cute not too.  I also remember I have to keep the walking up b/c I have to get my fat ass into the Indy track at the end of next month.  When my Mom reminded me of the long walk to our seats and the stairs we had to climb to get there, I almost called the whole trip off.  Not really but I was like oh shit, that is going to suck.  So, we much continue to walk even if just for that.

Tomorrow is the day I have to decide if I am going to do Avengers 10k and Half.  The truth is I am not 100% sure about it.  I think it would be fun and it would be good to get a challenge on the map.  However, I am just not sure I want to commit to anything other than 3-0-1 at this point.  While having a goal is good and having a race to train for is good motivation it can also add stress.  Right now I am all about reducing as much stress as I can. I am most likely leaning towards a no-go.  That doesn’t mean I don’t have any plans not to race this summer.  There is a tri I am eyeballing coming up this summer. However, it would be a relay and I would do the swim and walk portions of it.  However, there is fundraising with that and again that add some stress and the only thing I need to focus on right now is getting eating under control.  So we will see.  Sometimes keeping shit simple is the best way to do it.  

Other than that there is really nothing to report other than I think it is time for me to sign off for the night.  Go home, take puppy of for a lap around the community, feed her, feed me, everyone wins!

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