Monday, April 4, 2016

Page 95

Book of 2016
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Talked to Eating Recovery Center today.  I am going to have a meeting with one of there people on Thursday.  I learned about there programs.  In Chicago they have a binge and compulsive eating program in Chicago.  However, that is a 6-8 weeks in Chicago probably won't go over well with work.  However, I will keep it in my tool box if need be.  This place does have a facility in Corte Madera, and it has a 3 days program out patient program, which might work, would be hard to get there, but I will look int it and talk to folks about it.  there is a place here in San Jose, that I am waiting to hear back from.  I also, have to believe there has to be some one in Dublin, Ca that can help.  There is a Standford facility right next to the office so I can always check with them.  I have to find a place that I can blend with my career.  I have to be able to learn how to live and work and take care of myself.  So far today has been a good day food wise.  3 meals, sticking with that.  So far it has been ok.  I also have my lunch and dinners all taken care for next week so that is a big load off my toad.  now I can focus on just 3 meals and I only have the weekends unplanned.  I will also keep looking for help and at the same time counting my calories.  Mostly, I will keep trying to get positive.  I will keep pushing myself to get better. 

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