Saturday, April 30, 2016

Page 121

Book of 2016
- Page 121-

30 days until the 100th running of the Indy 500! 

also, shiner and I took a walk today.  I think I wore us both out.  It was an hour long and 2.7 miles and I had my 10K steps in before 2 p.m. so I was pretty stoked1  Other than that I wrote a short story.  Cooked some brats.  Did some positive visualization.  Ate a salad for the third straight day.  So I think it has been a pretty good day.  Not a bad day.

I am going all out on the low carb thing.  It has taken me a while to get started but I finally got my shit together and embraced it.  That doesn't mean i don't want to house some fries, b/c I do.  I just will hold strong.  I will have them at some point but not for a while.  I want to make a good run at this.  I owe it to myself to treat myself good. 

I am started to see this is going to be a long hard road, but I can do it.  I want a fulfilling life.  I want more than what I am getting today. I deserve it.  I can't keep putting this off till tomorrow.  Now is the time. My time to rise.  I got this.  I can do it. I will do it.

I think I need to watch captain america tonight.  I am seeing civil war a week from tomorrow.  I am stoked.  It should be bad ass.  I am team Captain.  I think I have always been .  Plus Winter Solider = Bad Ass!  Although I will admit the Black Panther looks tough too.  I personally think Spidy is going to switch sides, b/c Pete Parker certainly doesn't want to register.  The question is do I start with Captain or do I go back further.  I think I just start with Captain.  Maybe I should just watch Winter Soldier.  Oh who knows I will probably just watch cartoons all night and cook bunless cheese burgers.  Mmmmmm Burgers!

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