Monday, April 18, 2016

Page 109

Book of 2016
- Page 109 - 

Walked 10,000 steps today!!! Yay!  For a Monday that is pretty freaking awesome for me.  It was two walks.  The normal morning walk and then the evening walk which is just around the complex and it is at least 2,000 steps.  Shiner really helps with these walks, she gives me a reason that I have to go.  I mean lately, I have really wanted to go and I am going to keep it up after she is gone.  i can't wait to get my own puppy full time.  I think it will be a super help to get me to my goals!  Counting down the minutes until Wednesday's meeting.  Food is good from Tyson again.  I got it yesterday.  I have a feeling this week is going to be a good week.  Busy, but good.  

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