Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Page 103

Book of 2016
- Page 103 -

I got into the Standford Program.  I am pretty excited about that.  I go for my appointment on 4/20.  It is going to be about an hour and half appointment. 

It is a weight loss program that combines nutrition, medical, exercise, and a psychologist.  The best part about it is that my insurance is going to cover it.  It is really close to work.  Also, I can get extra sessions if I need help with binge eating or compulsive eating.  I am going to go for it.  

Today was another good day.  As El Beav W-3-0-1-W  

Walk - 3 meals a day, 0 snacks, and 1 day at a time, and then Walk again!  

i feel like I have a lot more to say, but I am so tired.  

Anyway another day in the books! 

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