Book of 2016
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Tomorrow is the season premiere of Game of Thrones, very perceptive of me I know. I think millions of people everywhere are salivating over finally figuring out what is going to happen next. I am not different from them. As a dedicated reader of the Song of Ice and Fire, I have always been for the most part one step ahead of other viewers, but now the playing field has been leveled and I am just another fan.
With that being said that doesn't mean I can't have my own opinions on what I think is going to happen. I have no idea what is going to happen. However, I am going to guess here today and then look again after the season and see how close I am when it is over. This doesn't contain any spoilers, just a fan boys theories.
1. Jon Snow will live. He will be reborn as either Jon Stark or Jon someone else. He will do this in one of three ways. a) The Red women breathes life back into him (I hate this idea), b) the Red Women knew the attack was going to happen end sent a decoy in his place and did it with the king of wildings (she was able to do this in the books), c) he is a warg in the books, so he is going to leap out of himself and into ghost and then come back into his body when the time is right. or even he is reborn as his true self to fight the whites.
2. Jon Snow's parentage will be released. He is not Ned Starks son. He is not a bastard. He is a love child of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. They were married at the tower of joy and she died in child birth. We are going to see the this play out in the scenes when bran is hanging out with the Three Eyed Crow. He is going to see this and learn the truth. Hopefully he will also see the battle between Rhaegar and Robert in the Trident.
3. Tyrion - I hate to say it but unless the writers are just fucking with us, I ma 90% sure he is going to die. Why? For no other reason than valar morghulis! All men must die! He is going to die at the hand of dragons and he is going to die in the place of a character that was left out of the books.
4. Jamie is going get sick of Cersei b/c she is a mega bitch and go find Brienne and give her the sweet loving.
5. Sam is going to get more ass on the way to becoming maester and do all sort of nasty stuff to the wilding he has fallen for and what else can you hop for the fat bastard. Maybe smack his dad around a little bit.
6. Rickon and Shaggy dog show up and they get themselves an army and start laying waste to the north. Ok so Rickon is to young for leading an army maybe, but he will be back some how and he will kick some ass. He is the youngest start boy and wolf has his temperament.
7. The Black dragon will rescue Daenerys stormborn and the with the dragon she will take control of the Dothraki to her cause.
8. Theon will regrow his penis and use it on sansa... ok, so there is no magic like that in the world of Ice and Fire and i am glad. No one deserves being fucked up more than the man who betrayed Rob Stark. Plus he is just ugly and gross and we hate him. I am 98% sure he will get back to his island home in time for a new king to be crown over there. It won't be him and I am really, really hoping that we will finally get to see the Crow's Eye, I think this dude will be a bad, bad ass!!!
9. A character will return from the dead and be all zombied up and start fucking up lannisters. I am guessing it will be one of my least favorite characters. I would tell you here but remember I said it hear and it is to major of a plot point to give away.
And that is what I got for ya....
lazy day today. I am baby sitting shiner b/c she is sick. she had a little episode and rachel brought her over. so I am watching over her and not going to be able to get a walk in, but that is ok.
At two meals today, i only ate half my food! That is huge for me.
have a great weekend!
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