Thursday, April 28, 2016

Page 119

Book of 2016 
- Page 119 - 

So last night at class I filled out some paper work on what the three things I was going to do over the next week to help myself get healthier.  Two had to be food related and one was exercise related. 

For the food related ones (and yikes I can't clearly remember last night, wtf getting old sucks) were to eat more non-starchy vegetables. The second was um, it was um.  Well fuck, i can't  remember.  so lets come up with one.   Oh I remember eat more protein with each meal.  I am not having a enough for breakfast, and that is from a protein and calorie perspective.  I find myself getting hungry really early.  So ok, those are the two. 

The work out one was easier.  I wanted to increase my intensity and time for working out.  So that is what I tried to do this a.m.  I tried to add a quarter mile to the walk.  I only ended up adding .2 miles.  So, I will add a little more distance tomorrow morning.  I also want to go from doing 20 minutes in the a.m. to 25 to 30 minutes.  I think this is a good increase.  I want to get up to doing an hour each morning, but I also don't want to put to much pressure on my knees.  So slow and steady. 

So, .2 a good start but .25 would be better =) 

I went sort of hard this a.m. I will get fast though.  So, 1.25 for a week and then we will go from there.

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