Saturday, January 17, 2015

Walking in: what I learned from gaining a pound this week

Today was one of those days, that you realize just how much you get done when the rest of the world is sleeping.  For example most morning I am up well before 8 a.m. and have had breakfast by then too.  Today, I forgot to set my alarm and although, normally, up before an alarm, I just kept on sleeping this a.m.

Apparently, I missed a pretty exciting night at the homestead during my slumber as well.   Me being on the phone when I got home forgot to close the garage door last night.  Which lead to a neighbor thinking someone had broken in, which lead to apparently two hot cops knocking on the door at 12:00 a.m.   I didn't hear the knocks, but Shiner did, and Rachel woke up to flash lights pointing into her room.  I would have pee'd myself right then and there.  I think she might be made of stronger stuff than me.  Apparently, they searched the entire house but my room for any signs of break in, but there was none.  Just a tired old dude, forgetting to put his garage door down.  I guess it was pretty scary.

I am not sure if it is the Cipro that has made me tired, or if the A-fib might be lurking out there, however, I do know I was out like a light and I must have needed the rest.  However, back to my point.  What was it?  Oh ya, I got a late start on the day.  So much so, that I just now at 5 pm got my crock pot going.  Thank goodness it is only a three hour cook for this recipe.

Weigh in:  When I got to weight watchers it was past nine. I walked by my favorite bagel shop and remember in another life that was always my first stop of every weekend morn.  Not now though.  I was excited about my weigh in, I thought I had a good week.  However, I was wrong.  I was a pound. you always know when you are up b/c the lady taking you weight doesn't tell you good job.  I was disappointed.  However, I knew, before I got on the scale what I had done wrong and that was eating out for lunch 4 out of 5 days this week.  Also, having sweet tator fries at 3 or 4 meals.  When you eat out for lunch you don't control what you eat.  You eat what others makes, and you have no idea what they put in there.  Although, I made good paleo type choices at lunch it still didn't matter, portions were bigger, and things just weren't as healthy.  Also, sweat potato fries have a lot of sodium.  I ate less greens this week.  Even though, I was regular all week, felt great for having an infection, I was still up.  And I thought you know what that is ok.  Because it is my pattern.  Big lose, go up or stay flat, and then big lose again.  I think the pattern will hold.  Plus, I am going to do everything I can to put myself in a position to make sure it does hold.

Cup and Saucer:  Most mornings, I am in and out of Cup and Saucer with my ommie eaten and coffee drank in 25 minutes.  Today when I got there at little after 9:30 a.m. I had to wait like 25 minutes to get a table.  I guess, regular with your own assigned table doesn't mean much when the crowd is in.

Shopping for Food for the Week:  I did the tour de grocery today.  I hit four of the big six stores in the area.  If the big stores are target, sprouts, whole foods, safeway, lundaries, and trader joes that is.  Lucky's and Nob Hill aren't part of my big 6 because I never use them, or do so rarely, they just are included.  I guess you could say I with 5 of 8, but that is like calling a 2nd tier accounting firm the big 4, and well that just don't cut it.  I hit five of them in this order: Target, Lanardi's, Sprouts, Trader Joes, and Safeway.

Look, did I have to go to all of them.  Probably not, but eating healthy is hard and you have to go with what you know.  So, I go to target to get individual sized veggies bags to steam, so I can start getting veggies during the day at work.

I got to Lunardi's b/c they have best meat I think and I love their spice isle.  I could spend all day there looking at different spices.

I go to sprouts for the cranberry pure juice, and apple juice, coconut amino, and dried raw berries, which taste great!

Trader Joe's is the place I always go, get the most and spend the least.  I love that place.  It is my mecca for veggies, fruits, nuts, water (49 cents for big bottle), and well just about anything else.

Finally, I goes to Safeway only on a rare occasion when i need meatballs. And tomorrow is football watching and meatballs must be made and eaten.

However, none of that is really what I want to tell you.  No.  I mean after all that.  dragging my 400 plus pound ass up and down isle after isle getting what I need to make the meals for the weak.  I am beat.  I have not walked yet, but that is next.  waiting on phone to charge, so I got the music.  I remember, thank the light that I have to go to get my dry cleaning and drop off last weeks load.  ha ha, I said load.

So... there I was.  pulling into the drive thru dry cleaner picture above.  When, I turned in, tired, and still sick even though my fever broke, I decided, I am parking my fucking car and I am walking into that dry cleaner to get my shit.  I could round the corner, and I could drive through, but that isn't who I am anymore is it?  5 stores already today.  Why not get just the little extra benefit of pulling your ass out of the car and going in and getting what you need.  SO, I did just that and I know it is small, and people do it every day, but I don't.  I choose that dry cleaner for one reason and one reason only, b/c it was drive thru.  i choose it b/c I was a lazy fat ass.  Well, I am not a lazy fat ass anymore. I can't afford to be.

So, that brings me back full circle.  so what did I learn from gaining a pound this week?  I learned that I can't eat like everyone else at work and go out every day.  Once in a while is ok.  However, I have to stay on top of my game.  I also learned that even a pound up, I am 100 times better, and I am better because I can move.  I walked every day Sunday - Friday for 40 minutes.  I got up and walked into my drive thru dry cleaner.  I am going for a walk at 6 p.m. because I need to go.  My heart needs it and so does my head.  I learned that I will battle and struggle every day with my eating, but I will win.  Because even on a day that I gained, I am still better than when I started and that is a comforting thought =)

Happy Saturday!

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