Monday, January 19, 2015

Pork roast - paleo pig

wow... yesterday sucked! Well, the colts getting there asses handed to them by the Pats sure did suck ass anyway.  however, I think we are a team on the rise and not one on the fall, so that is goodness.  I guess that is also the only way you can look at it.  I hope the Seahawks blow out the Pats by 137 points.  F' Brady and F' Belicheat....

Yesterday day we tried a new pork pig roast. 

We started by dicing two sweet onions. 

Get out the Crocking Pot.

Get your onions ready to put in the pot.

Add them to crockpot.

Get some carrots and toss it in.

Get your pig ready after a night in the fridge.

Looks good right!

8 hour slow cook.


Pack Darth Colt for the football game at david's.  He is all snug in the car.

Take Selfie of you and Darth Colt as you drive to David's.

Darth Colt at the Beav's.

Darth Chilling for Kick Off!

Darth when things got ugly. 

Darth as time winds down. 

Darth Banished to the garage after force choking three Pat fans on the way home from the Beavs.  Shame on you Darth.  Apparently the Emperor encourages his poor sportsmanship.

Home to meat!

Looking Good!

Broil to Crisp her up!


Meats done!

Shred it!

Pack it up for lunches!

Roast was pretty good.  We will see how it reheats... sharing with Gabe on Wednesday for Lunch.  he has brisket for tomorrow and I am bringing in the mash cauliflower... should be good!!!!  Time to get back on track!!!

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