Well after the Pancake incident yesterday, it was back to work in the kitchen. My appetite is slowly coming back. For example last night I ate a burger, with sweet tator fries and enjoyed company of old friends at Chili's. It has been along time since I went to Chili's. Even a longer time since I went there and didn't get chips n salsa. All and all it was a pretty successful dinner, good conversation, and there realization live was harder when we didn't have phones we could google everything on to supplement our conversation and the questions that El Beav asks!
Chicken Soup:
I decided that I want to focus on Smoothies and Soup this week. I just want to give my tum a bit of a rest from lots of hard meat. So, I came up with two chicken soup recipes. One a cream of chicken, and other more of a chicken soup.
I opted to make the chicken soup one, even though, I bought the ingredients for both. The main reason I opted for the chicken soup was because I could crock pot it. I do love me some crock potting =)
So we start with diced carrots and celery:
Add it in.
Add it back into the pot and mix it up and you have Chicken Soup.
Portion that shit out.
Have a great week!!!!
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