Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Slacker: Day 1

Vacation!  Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh  Does it really get any better than not having to go to work for three days during the first week of January?  When all the people you usually worked with are closing the books, but since you are not in finance anymore, you are taking time off!  Ahhhhhhhhh!!!! Happy Close Accountants!  HA HA

My good look at my giant head.  It is huge.  I think that avocado in the hanger behind is trying to detach and orbit my head.

Actually there is a reason of the picture want to show of my haircut and fresh shave.  I went and saw my favorite barber today and he gave me a much need trimming.  1.5 on top, and 1 on the face.  I was feeling like living dangerously I guess.

Anyway... Super busy day today.  So slacker I am not, I just like the title and borrowed it from a friend.

Today, I got up, went and had my ommie and bacon.  It was totally yummy!  Turned off my work email till Monday and came home and made a list.

- call plumber was first order of business.
- get massage schedule (in process)
- get hair cut (done)
- clean kitchen and organize your new pyrex and put it away (done)
now the shelf under it is a mess but we will get to that one in do time....  loving the glass ware.
- write blog (in action)
- plan some meals for the next few days (thinking about a honey balsamic pork loin, and some chicken breast diced to make buffalo wings)
- break down boxes in garage (Afternoon project today or tomorrow after Doc)
- Organize desk, this afternoon or Friday project depends if I get wild hair up butt to go swim.
- clean dinning table (done)
- put food processor away (pending)
- put new star wars stuff in bedroom (pending)
- RELAX (PENIDNG) - NERVOUS ABOUT THE DOC TOMORROW.  However, I am going to watch a movie tonight, and go to bed early, so I can get to the doc tomorrow feeling the best I possibly can.

I felt like my BP was up last night.  Seems to go up at night around the time I drive home.  hmmmm.

Anyway, I am getting lots more veggies into my dinners,   I am hoping this will help with weight loss and a good showing at the doctor.  check me out the last two nights:

Top is spare ribs with a bag of carrots, cauliflower, and broccoli on it, and the bottom is reheated jerk chicken with the same veggie mix mixed into it.  I have to be honest the cauliflower and carrots are great out of the microwave bag, we are going 100% broccoli tonight!!!!

Other things this and that....

Me trying to get a good picture of my hair cut???

I am not sure I ever did.

The sun rising yesterday in Pleasanton:

doesn't do it justice, it was gorgeous.   But you can't really see it.  here... it just looks like fire in the sky!

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