Sunday, January 11, 2015

teriyaki boobs! Yay!

Boobs Ya!  But Teriyaki Boobs Even better!  Had a lot of fun in the kitchen yesterday and we tried something new too!  

- Start with the CrockPot

- Put your boobs in.

- Get one cup of Coconut Aminos (Soy Sauce Replacement)

- Felt, I needed to a take picture of it in a pool. 

- Add some Garlic.

- Add Ginger.

- Looks nice.

- Add Mrs. D

- Still looking good. 

- Bring in the Honey!

- More Honey.

- Beat it...

- Add to the crockpot.

- Make sure you cover the top of the boobs. 

- Set it to  an 8 hour slow cook. 

- Cook them boobies!

- Darth Vader is a Colts Fan!

- After 8 hours... 

- Nice Boobs.

- Really well cooked.

- What happened next we can't show.  This is me and some nice boobs right. 

- Then I shred the boobs. 

- Then you put the boobs back into the sauce for 30 minutes. 

- Yum Yum!

- Get it ready to serve.

- Get your broccoli and cauliflower mix ready.

- Add Garlic Powder

- Mrs. Dash. 

- Then Spice that shit up! 


- Mix it up!

- Serve!

- And Vader is still a colts fan =)

Really good meal! I really enjoyed.  Making a honey balsamic pork loin.  loin is funny now.  Getting ready to watch the colts!!!! Go Horse!

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