Hi, I am really excited. Today i start a new journey on a new life. One of my best friends was out on Labor day weekend and we came up with an idea to help each other meet our goals of living a healthier life. We call it the Buddy System. Two friends who are going to work to support each other become new people.
Timmy basically sat me down on the Saturday of Labor Day Weekend and told me some truths, some which were very very hard to swallow.
1. I am a piss poor version of Billy b, I am not the man I am meant to be.
2. My work takes up to much of my life, I put to much into it. It is a job and a pay check and I have to put Billy b first.
3. That I am lucky to not be a diabetic and have other serious health issues. B/c blood and heart test results are in and I am healthy. I have been given a new chance.
4. I am selfish. I am selfish I would expect anyone to accept this version of me.
5. That I can't honestly sit here and say I am living the life I want.
So, I took his words and I went on a weeks vacation back to my childhood home and i thought. I moved around and i thought some more.
While, I was gone, I wrote a manifest. Put Billy b first, become the person I am suppose to be, and live, live a good life. My time has to be mine now, my choices mine, and i have to realize that everything action I take has a consequence. Every thing I do from here on out is live my life to the fullest.
There are some many reasons I want to take the weight off. I can't even begin to list them all here but some are the following:
1. Live a long and healthy life. Get healthy for me and only for me. So that I can be around for a long time.
2. Knee's - my knees are going to support my weight for much longer. They hurt, they pop, they creak. I am 37, not 87, they shouldn't do that. I know why they do, but they shouldn't.
3. Be comfortable. OMG - comfort is something I think we all take for granite. I want to be comfortable. I want to fit into seats, and not worry that they will break from underneath me. I want to fit into my clothes. I want to fit into cars. I want to fit into bathrooms, all bathrooms.
4. Don't be afraid anymore. What am I afraid of. Stairs, long walks, little chairs, and a lot of other things. However, stairs are my enemy right now. So are little chairs. I crushed one two weeks ago at breakfast. Literally sat down in it and the chair went boom.
So, how do I do it.
Well first I write here on this blog. So, that I can share with Timmy everything i am doing and what I am working on, b/c the buddy system only works if you work it out with a buddy.
Second, I put me first. Fuck work, fuck any other distraction, I have to live for Billy b.
Third, find a job where I can put me first.
Four, surround myself with people that want this as bad as I do.
Five, choose a weight loss system that I know works and that I can be successful on. My plan is simple do what I know works, and I know following weight watchers works and I do mean following it.
Goals for this week (note I am starting this week tomorrow September 12, 2013 and it will run until September 20, 2013.) That is because my weigh in day and each week will start with a trip to weight watchers. I will attend and stay for the entire meeting at 8:30 each saturday. My week begins and end there.
Goal 1: Track, don't care what I eat, just log everything.
Goal 2: Plan - plan my kitchen area, my workouts, and my foods
Goal 3: 6 workouts over the next 10 days... all swims of course. B/c I am going to swim my way to a healthier happier me.
So it begins...