Sunday, September 29, 2013


Great swim this am... However FedEx fucked me... So  I'm off to the office... There goes my day of cooking and prepping for week.  I have to instead play courier... Which may or may not end in a red eye to Mexico City... Either way I'll just have to watch what I eat while dining out on the road... Shit happens...

Swim was fun this a.m.  I'm gonnna focus on that... But I'll never trust FedEx again.   Fuckers.. While others out havif a grand ole time on Friday I was at FedEx till 9 working to get shit sent to Mexico. Then they gave me bad info and I got fucked... Now I play courier.  If I have to fly to ole Mexico tonight, I am getting a brief case and chaining the docs to my wrist so I look cool.. I'll try to get black suite too.. FML. You just gotta laugh at my KA

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