Sunday, September 15, 2013

a worthy goal

Even if I find a new job, I will still work a sales cycle and unless I find a very special company that doesn't care about quarter ends, I will not be able to Lavaman in 2014 b/c it falls on Sunday March 30, 2014, which is 1 day prior to quarter end.  Being a responsible employee, I know I have to make sure I am available to do my job on that day.  So a trip to and from Hawaii just won't cut it.  I know what you are thinking, nothing has changed.  Look even though I work to support my life style doesn't mean, I can't be good at my job.  I have a strong work ethic.  Installed by the Great Doc Hopper (AKA my Dad).  Even though I can work 60 hours weeks and give my entire life to my job, my family will always remember me as a little boy who worked harder trying to get out of work than doing the work itself. Well fuck'em all.  If anyone questions my work ethic after getting a CPA, 9 Triathlons, over a half dozen other endurance events, they can go get a giant spoon, and take a nice big bite out of my ass.

Anyway, we got off point there... Look at the man in the picture. See him very well.  Now imagine him looking good in that shirt.  The awesome dry fit lavaman shirt.  It sits in my house on a chair, where I pass it every day.  So that I can look and it and remember a promise I made to Coach Janna and CP in Kona last year, that by next March this shirt would fit and it will.  Gods be damned it will.

There are approximately 29 weeks from now until the March 30, 2014.  If I follow healthy weight loss guidance of 2 pounds a week.  That means between now and then 60 lbs or so.  Which would make me look good in that shirt.

So...  lets go...

Side notes:

Logged Thursday, Friday, and Saturday all my points....
Made it to my meeting.

Today, I am reorganizing my kitchen, to set up a healthy space and clean space so that I can feel good about being in the kitchen.

Finally, I am pulling my pork tender lion, which is going into the crock pot.  All, you people who had a dirty thought when I said pulling my pork, shame on you.  Although, I led you there :D

Happy Sunday!  Have a great day!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Not doing Lava? :(

    I love this blog, Billy. So proud of you. Keep up the amazing work. You have a great start.
