Thursday, September 26, 2013

No Post Yesterday....

Hi... I just realized I didn't post yesterday.  It wasn't b/c it was a bad day or anything it was just a normal day.  I walked a little bit, I ate at home.  I logged my points.  All was good, I just got really sleepy early on and went for an early bed time.

I found this blog today:

And I started to read it.  It looks like these folks have a had one hell of a journey.  I will read about it.  I know I am on my own journey and it will be my own path.  The last three days I have felt really good.  I think it is more of a spritual feeling good than a physical one. I am waking up before my alarm.  I am getting good sleep.  I am doing my best to keep a limited work schedule.  I have been swimming when I can.  I have to remember I am not in a race here, but rather a marathon for the rest of my life. 

Speaking of reading others blogs.  When I was at home, I got some great advise from my Big Brother.  I was at his computer looking up weight loss success stories and trying to see how other people had done.  My older brother says to me "Go make your own story."  It was good advise.  I have to make my own story. I have to take my own path.  I wish I had a roadmap.  However any map is just a guide.  I know what to do.  Eat better and  move more.  I can do this....

Anyway... Happy Day my friends!!! Almost time for the weekend!!!!

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