Wednesday, September 18, 2013

A beautiful day without drama is rare

Today started off shitty!  I confessed sins, but still felt bad.  Then I got an email an someone wished my blues away and it mad me grin!  That person is awesome!

Slowly but surely after that things got better!  And I smiled and thought about the magical power cast over me and I smiled bigger and bigger and a shitty day turned beautiful!  Thanks for the life line darlin it helped!  

I missed my cut off by 15 minutes or so... But that's all right, that's ok.  It happens. But I left work and I went for a swim and I nailed it! 37 minutes for 1000 meters... And I could have done it in 32 but I backed off...  After my swim I was starving.  So hungry.  I ate a granola bar on the way home and then made BBQ piggy tacos.  So fucking good!  Really I loved them.  Still used to much apple cider vinegar but who cares, after a shitty day yesterday I'm back in the saddle today!  I rock!  It did take a little help from a some friends but I did get back in the saddle!  Thanks!

So a bad day was turned beautiful by a smile!  That's awesome!  :D

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