Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Page 151 and Page 152

More Race Day Fun!

Book of 2016
- Page 151 -
- Page 152 - 

I was just to tired to write yesterday.  My skin had been burnt to a crisp from spending the day out doors in the pool with the family.  I don't normally burn, when I do, it is never anything that I can't handle, but last night, it hurt to move.  I wish I had a picture of my back to show how read it was.  I don't though. It hurts to even wear a tank top.  Now grant it I was in the pool from 11 a.m. yesterday to 5 p.m. and I didn't wear any sunscreen all day and so really one could argue I brought this all on myself, but I am going to blame my siblings anyway.  It must be there fault.  

I have decided to extend my stay in Indiana for another week.  Dad is doing better.  He made it to the race.  He is becoming increasingly ornery.   Which is a good thing I guess b/c he is becoming more and more his old self.  I am trying to help out mom and dad as much as I can while I am here, but not sure that amounts to much.  i will do what I can.  For example tomorrow i am baby sitting Bobby's kids in the afternoon.  OMG that should be quite the sight.  Me and three kids. that could go up to 5 if Heidi needs me to watch her girls.  I would be over ran with kids!  I am not sure if I can handle that or not. 

I am not sure that I have to much to report on.  Just thought while I had a few minutes to myself I would do some typing and get caught back up. What a crazy day yesterday though.  Warriors win in seven.  I had them dead to rights at 3 - 1 deficit.  Sharks play in first Stanley cup game.  I am not on the band wagon by the way, just saying that they did.  I hope they win, but can't get 100% on board since I have not been following them for the last few years.

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