Friday, May 13, 2016

Page 133 and Page 134

Book of 2016
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Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!  Back home now time to get serious.  I have two weeks to focus and get back on track.  Not that I went completely off the rails, but I do need to hunker down and focus.  

It is also Friday the 13th which historically used to scare me.  Now it is just a day, but a day I take note on.  I thought the picture was really funny.  

I am ready for the weekend to start.  I know I have had a day and a half work but vegas took something out of me.  

I am getting puppy today so it will be a good weekend relaxing with my BFF.  Other than that might do a little cooking out tonight.  Tyson is bringing food on Sunday, ready to get back into veggie mode.  

going to try to get to the pool this weekend... definitely going to try and soak up as many rays as I can.  so the sun had best come out!

other than that nothing new to report. 

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