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The Brother Burkle! Enjoying Carb Day at Indy! Also got toe see some old friends Poog and Hammy Horns. It was a good day. We had lots of fun. I can't believe how much I've missed the Indy Track. You don't realize it till your there. But the speed! The cars! The smell! Mostly the sound. I got goose flesh when the first four cars passed at once. I can't even write the sound. Zoom zoom zoom zoom doesn't do it any just. The screech, the hum of the engine the enuuunnnnnnn
Doc update! He is getting honorary and honorary every day! It's a good thing. He walked down stairs today and sat poolside while we swam! He went up and down all by himself. It's so great to see! Then tonight! He went to bed in the hospital bed. Fell asleep with the rail up. Then later we went and he made a jail break and got in his own bed and went to sleep! So, good news!!! 👍👍👍👍
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