Friday, May 6, 2016

Page 127

Book of 2016
- Page 127 - 

Stanford Check in was yesterday.  Things are tracking well.  I am down three pounds over two weeks.  There was some cheating in there as documented here on my blog.  So, we are happy that overall we are still down.  We enter into a dangerous time though.  Vegas is coming up on Monday.  Three days there.   You know how I feel about Vegas or should.  There is much for a sober man who is trying to eat well, and doesn't really gamble to do in Sin City.  Well there is, but not that I will be partaking in on a work trip or honestly with me any other kind of trip.  

anyway i have lost my mojo on writing right now... enjoying the stanford program.  its is going good.  I am eating broccoli and mushrooms for breakfast along with eggs and spinach.  Other than that I guess what I wanted to write will either come back or it won't. Those are the way of things. 

Happy Friday...

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