Monday, May 9, 2016

Page 130

Book of 2016
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Night one in Vegas has come and gone.  The slots kicked my ass, but the Warriors won and exciting to game! 

Dad's back in the hospital and that really is putting a damper on things here.  He has been in and out to many times of late.  However he fights on and so will we!  

The Warriors won a great victory today.  However, so did I!  My first meal in Vegas was perfect!  Salad and burger with no bun!!  I'm 89% sure I've never eaten anything in Vegas other than pizza, burgers, and fries!  There was lasagna once and that was awesome! Anyway, we did good.  The rest of the day wasn't great but it wasn't to nuclear disaster bad either!  There was a salad at dinner too!  Tomorrow will be a better day! For now I'll pay attention to this moment and focus on the here and now.  I'll rally, I always do!

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