Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Page 146

Book of 2016
- Page 146 -

Crazy day today.  An unexpected trip to Indianapolis today to get Dad's catheter for his liver fixed.  The day started out great.  Dad was bathing when i got up.  Then after I showered I took him to his office.   We had a really nice visit.  Soon as we got back on the road Mom Carol called and since his catheter had come out earlier in the morning we had to get him to Indy to get a new one put in.  He was a trooper.  When we left he was in good spirits and when we got home he was still in good spirits.  So that is good.

It was one of two trips to Indy today.  The 2nd was to pick up El Beaver Grande for the Race.  

Also Anna and Allie got to town tonight and that was a real treat!  Allie with to Indy with us to get the Beav.  

I am beat once again and i think it is time for me to turn in.  

Pretty cool picture of a building in Indy.  Dad eating his big dinner.  and I am out of here....

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