Monday, June 1, 2015

RESET Challenge: Day 13 - Just Monday

Well we survived the kitchen debacle of yesterday.  I have done some stupid stuff in my time, but that was pretty bad.  However, my Fajitas turned out pretty nice. 

The Chicken comes out so tender all you have to do is pull on it a little bit and it totally falls apart.

Add some peppers and onions in and......

You have lunch!!!!

I want to note the spinach leaves in there and you can see some avocado in there... See Challenge Sensei I catch on fast =)

Really just any other Monday today.  Nothing to report.  I hit a wall about noon.  Hoping lunch with pick me up.  Just so much shit going on right now. 

I had some unexpected guests last night KL and his family stopped by it was really great to see all of them. His kids are getting so big and they are pretty darn cute.  Shiner went nuts and had to be banished to the back porch for a bit.  More importantly he told me twice how good I looked!  People are starting to notice all the hard work I am putting is paying off =) 

Game of Thrones was bad ass last night!  Fucking Night King and his minions bad ass!  It might be off book but its off book in a way I can enjoy. 

Well Happy Monday here is to the start of a great new week!!!

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