I told El Beav last week when we were making dinner before
the Warriors game that one of these days I was going to fuck up and turn the
wrong burner on one day. Whenever I try
turn on the back right burner, I accidently turn on the front right one. I told him that one of these days that I was
going to turn on the front right by accident and there was going to be
something on the burner and I was going to burn my house down. So guess what? Today was that day. Well, almost.
So, I went into the kitchen to put my fajitas on. I
opened my three ringed binder and laid it on the stove. Why I put it on the stove, I can’t say, but I
did. Then I decided to put on pot of
tea. I always do this on the back right
burner. So the kettle was on. And went to work.
Red and green pepper where laid in first.
Then two yellow sweet onions.
Then four chicken boobs and some good salsa.
So, there I was working on my fajitas. Getting everything ready. Every now and then I would look over at Shiner and make some foolish comment about her being a dog. I am not sure why I feel the need to always tell her she is a dog, but I do. She lay there with a grin on her face and her tongue almost dropping to the floor. Then I would go right back to work on my fajitas.
I was pouring salsa. When all the sudden I started coughing. I felt a bit of a burning in my throat. I turn and looked and to my dismay I was staring at a cloud of black smoke. I couldn't at first. I was stunned for an entire minute and standing there coughing.
I immediately moved to turn off the stove and then pull the three ringed-binder up there was a tangle of black tar that was stringy and gross. I let out a few more throat burning coughs.
The binder was cooked. No pun intended.
My throat is still a little sore but over all I feel great. Other than feeling like a jackass who almost burned my place to the ground. However, it wasn't the first time or the last time that I did something stupid. I just has to be more careful next time and I have to absolutely not keep anything on the stove especially a plastic covered three ringed-binder.
Anyway the crisis was missed thank goodness and all I am out is a binder. I have to get a new one.
However through all this, Shiner just laid there in the her spot outside the kitchen door way and didn't ever get up or move. Which sort of surprises me now that I think of it. She just laid there with her grin on her face and her tongue hanging. I almost wonder if this isn't pay back for me making the kitchen off limits for her. I mean the kitchen is tiny and I am a natural klutz so having Shiner under foot is really the best thing. Plus I drop a lot of shit on the floor and I don't want her eating it. So either she has learned to lover her spot or she was thinking this is what he gets for kicking me out the kitchen. She is to damn cute to be the sinister I think
Although I am sinister enough to take her on a two mile walk so that she is worn out and sleeps while I go back to work in the kitchen and clean so I can don't have to worry about entertaining her =)
And she is out like a light
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