Saturday, May 30, 2015

RESET Challenge: Day 11 - I lost a Macintosh Portable

The last 11 days have been sort of crazy, my life has been turned upside down and stress is behind every corner, and on top of that, I am doing this whole food challenge.  As you know on the challenge I have committed to living without the following items for 30 days:

- Sugar
- Most Fruits (I have been fruitless for 11 days)
- Coffee
- Caffeine
- Grain
- anything processed
- and there are more things but you get the gist of it.

I have worked really hard trying to meet the challenge at every turn.  I am reading labels.  I am asking questions.  I am trying to eat my veggies. Not always so good at that.  I am cooking breakfast every day. 
Also, I am walking every morning first thing when I get up.  I know that is helping me get healthy and Puppy loves it too. 
I feel good.  I really do feel good.  I am proud of myself for keeping up with the challenge.  It is actually becoming second nature.  I won’t say it is easy, because it isn’t simple.  I will say it is manageable and is becoming part of the daily routine. 
I found myself telling Chrissy (RESET Challenge Master) I am feeling like the only thing I want to add back in when I am done is Coffee.  Is that true?  Well only time will tell.  However, I am feeling so good and I am eating so well.  So why not give it the ole college try.  Now I probably won’t be as militant as I am being right now.  No beans at Chipolte, or no BBQ at Armadillo Willy’s on the few times I go there in a pinch.  However, again only time will tell. 
If there was a doubt that eating whole foods wasn’t helping, and there was not, those would have been cast away after my morning weigh in. I stepped on the scaled today and I almost shat myself. I couldn’t believe the reading.  I mean I wanted to believe, but I just couldn’t.  I think the lady weighing me in at Weight Watchers saw my eyes almost burst of my head.  I couldn’t believe I was down 11.2 pounds!  That means in 11 days on the detox I am actually down 16.8!  That is what I said.  I am losing at a rate of more than a pound a day.  That is fucking awesome!  As a matter of fact if you want to know what it was like carrying around those 16 lbs look at the picture of the Macintosh portable above and think about taking that with you everywhere you go.  It being with you each time you stand up or sit down.  Then think about how good it would feel to be without it, and then maybe you will know how I feel right now.
For the first time in a long time, I feel like I am going to win again.  That I am on the path of the beam and I am standing and being true to my mission.
I know what some people would say, it is probably water weight or I have dehydrated myself.  However, that can’t be the case.  I drink 80 ounces of water before I ever get to work every morning and have for a week.  I have also drunk 80 to 120 at work each day.  Finally, I have at least another 40 when I get home.  I am hydrating like a mug.   My water consumption and hydration have never been better and this is from a man who has feared dehydration for the last 15 years.
I am down 40 pounds overall since November 15 of last year.  From this point forward every pound I loose will be the lightest I have been in three or four years.  We are in uncharted territories now.  Jeans are just around the corner, can you fucking believe that I am going to be able to get into jeans again!
Anyway I am super stoked and we aren’t even at the halfway point of the challenge yet.  I just made my shopping list for the week.   Then I am off to TJ’s and Lunardi’s and then food preparation shall commence. 
I am super excited and can’t wait to see how the next week goes!  However, I am most excited to report that…..

The Tower is Closer!!!!

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