Friday, May 15, 2015

Fit and Living in Las Vegas: The End

"The decision to flee came suddenly. Or maybe not. Maybe I'd planned it all along -- subconsciously waiting for the right moment. The bill was a factor, I think. Because I had no money to pay it. And no more of these devilish credit-card/reimbursement deals. Not after dealing with Sidney Zion. They seized my American Express card after that one, and now the bastards are suing me -- along with the Diner's Club and the IRS. ..."

Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

I have to quote him at least once while and I am in Vegas and of course this is exactly how I feel.  I am not sure why leaving Vegas is so nerve racking.  I think it is b/c I fly southwest and I think it is b/c they don't assign seats.  So I am terrified about getting a seat, no that isn't correct I am afraid of getting seats.  I have two get two.  I am like the fucking sith,  "Always two there are, no more, no less: a MASTER and an apprentice."  However for me it is more like this "Always two seats there are, no more, no less: One for my left ASS CHEEK, and one for my right ASS CHEEK.  It is also the Las Vegas airport.  It is a real shit hole.  Really, it is probably my least favorite airport.  I mean on the right hand it has slots, and I love me so sluts, I mean slots, slots is what I love, or is it sluts... hmmmm  I have to think about that.

The trip is almost over and I can't wait.  When I get home, I am supposed to go to a party, I am not sure if I will go.  I don't feel like seeing anymore people.  I have had my fill of people this week and I am exhausted.  I could go down a rabbit hole here about how I felt last night at dinner.  However, it was sad that once again I had to have a special seat prepared for me b/c I wouldn't fit in the chair.  So, I had three people working to re-arrange the table for me.  I could do that, but I won't.  I am done feeling sorry for myself.  I am tired of being tied down by the strings of my weight, and I can't wait till there are no more strings on me. 

It was a nice dinner... I got to sit with some co-workers I really like. (pic above)  However, when it is a booze fest and your are sober, it really isn't your scene. 

Good sea food though:

And a nice Salad:

This a.m. though was back to the Gym!!!!  I did go four for four and hit all my work outs~!!!!

Don't believe me look here!!!!

And book here~!!!

Detox starts in 5 days and I ready!!! Ready to move on to the next phase.  Ready for the Black Reaper to Rise above. 

See you back in San Jose..... Peace

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