Photo from SKO the lady who took it keeps saying I look like the boss in the picture, even though my boss is standing over my shoulder.... I do look like the boss, it is where I always pictured myself growing up. Don Burkle the boss of all bosses.
Day 2 - wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it wasn't going to be. I was tired. My morning walked sucked. I was hobbling along. However, I did my time with the puppy. I did 30 minutes with puppy. I was busy during the day, but tired and dragging ass. However, I just kept working and plugging along. I had some nice mint tea, that seemed to help.
Around 11:30 a.m. I went to Whole Foods and got lunch. I had a nice burger from WF. That helped as well. I think eating helps. However, even after lunch, I was still dragging the ass.
I finished working around 4 p.m. and I decided that it was time to take puppy for her 2nd walk of the day. If the first walk of the day hurt, the 2nd walk was worse. It was really more of a hobble up and down the streets of neighborhood. However, I hobbled on for 34 minutes. Up and down and all around the neighborhood. However, I will tell you something though, ever since that second walk with the puppy, have felt fucking great. I have been awake and lucid. I even got a bug up my ass to go to the store and make dinner for tonight and get ready for lunch tomorrow. So, that is exactly what I did.
I decided it was fajitas night, b/c we all know how much I love eating the Mexican. However, in a bold moved very unlike myself, I decided to go without my paleo tortillas and just overlay the beef on a salad and then cover that salad with some good fucking salsa, and then add a little dab of spicy guacamole. And that is exactly what I did.
Well actually the first thing I did was pack my shit for tomorrow. Some guac on top, then the salsa and then a big bowl of lettuce, the base for tomorrow lunch.
Then it was time to grill some fajitas!!!!
Then I got a big ass bowl and filled it with lettuce.
Added the Guacamole.
Finished cooking up those fajitas!
Add some meat to my big ass bowl of lettuce and guacamole.
Then spooned in the salsa.
Then I had one good salad. Yes, I do say so myself.
then I watched some daredevil, that Netflix show is bad ass. Very gritty, not for the faint of heart. Darkest show in the marvel universe so far.
planning on racking out early tonight.... Here is to a much better Day 2!
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