Friday, May 29, 2015

RESET Challenge: Day 10 - Happy Friday!!!! TGIF!

Happy Friday from Day 10 of the RESET Challenge.  I think it is going great!!!  I feel pretty darn good, I have walked every morning since starting.  I have been eating pretty good and unlike last weekend I am not just happy for the weekend so I can sleep in.  I am happy it is the weekend because the last 48 hours have been crazy busy at work.  None stop! Sometimes that is the nature of the beast, and I am not complaining about it, I am just ready for some rest and refresh.  Also, really looking forward to the big ass breakfast burrito I am going to make tomorrow morning.  I am on this burrito ommie kick right now.  I might have to find some sausage to put up in there.  I am not really sure. 

Well I have to stop day dreaming about burritos and breakfast and get cranking on the day.  Never a dull moment around here. 

Tomorrow is a weigh.  Other than that is the only thing I have to is walk, sleep, and sun =)  That has all the making of a pretty good weekend! 

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