Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Reset Challenge: Down with the Devil Powder

Reset Challenge: Down with the Devil Powder

I don’t know what the next 30 days will bring.  I am not even sure what the next 24 hours will bring.  The world does, what the world does best, it is changing.  Spring becomes summer, day turns to night, and the world keeps on moving on. 

I do know I am eager for tomorrow to begin.  I am ready for a new day.  It is time to finish what we started in November.  It is time to leave the devil powder behind and once again clean the system from sugar. 

I have struggled over the last 40 days and nights since leaving for Hawaii. I have been super active, but at the same time I have been using the devil powder often.  In buns, in chips, in the ice cream, just about anywhere I can get it.

So tomorrow I start a new journey much like I did around November 15th of last year.  I renounce Sugar.  I renounce wheat.  I renounce dairy.  I renounce booze.  And finally and hardest of all I renounce Caffeine.  I don’t want to, it hurts us, but ya, Caffeine you are gone again.  Even the decaf stuff, you, you are not good, the whiff! 

We are going to focus on eating a lot of Veggies and meat and maybe just maybe some healthy fat (although I have no idea what that is right now, guess I better dial into the call explaining all of this).

The next 3-7 days are going to be tough.  I have been there before.  I know it sucks and I am going to have to stick to it.  We know feeling good and being more active are just on the other side of those 7 days.  I got this, I can do it!

I am ready for this challenge!  I am awesome!  I am in a good place right now and I am ready to get better!  Each day I will push just a little bit more and a little farther so that I can keep being the best and healthiest Billy b I can possibly be. 

Measurements going into the challenge (we will repost in 30 days):


  • Waist:                   66
  • Hips:                      73
  • Right Calf:            20.5
  • Right Thigh:        32
  • Chest:                   65          
  • Shoulders:          Couldn’t figure this one out…

Of course I choose the time to do this at the most stressful time I could imagine.  So many changes going on around me, I am going to nail this, because you know what?  I am pretty fucking special and awesome!  I am resilient.  However, most importantly, I am in the right frame of mind and ready to go to the next level with my life and health.  Here is to the first day of the rest of my life.  The life, I know I deserve the life I know I can have.  The life I know just how fucking special and important I am. 


P.s. this is one of 32 blogs on the topic of the reset challenge.  So as part of the challenge I am challenging myself to be a better and more committed blogger!
So it begins!

Oh ya and down with the fucking Devil Powder!

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