Thursday, June 4, 2015

RESET Challenge: Day 16 - The streak runs to 200

I have logged (not always perfectly) for 200 straight days in
It really has become 2nd nature to me that I need to log my food.  I do it probably with 75-80% accuracy.  I do it every day.  I am tracking really well and feeling pretty good. 
Today was Warriors Day at work.  Here I am pictured with my newest team members!  I think the entire bay area is going warrior crazy right now!

 I am super lucky I got two box seats and a parking pass to go to the game tonight!  I am super stoked when the big boss offered them to me I got goose flesh.  really I can't believe it.  I have never gone to a title game of any kind.  I think saying I got box seats to the nba finals game one sounds bad ass. 

Have to admit, things are going pretty good!  I am pretty happy and smiling.  The challenge is going well.  I am excited! 

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