Thursday, June 11, 2015

RESET Challenge: Day 23 - What my boss said...

This is me today. 

this isn't what I was wearing yesterday.  there is a reason I say that. 

I walked into my bosses office yesterday to talk business.  I am not sure what account I wanted to talk to him about but I am sure it was something very serious and proper, or not.  However, I was getting ready to say something to him about work when he said to me.

"You know what I really love right now?"   I shrugged because I had not idea.  He continued "It's that none of your cloths fit anymore! They are all just to big!"  I beamed!  I probably lite up like a Christmas tree.  I mean, is it really that noticeable?  I mean it is true.  my clothes are getting bigger.  Yesterday, I rolled to work in some Khaki's and a shirt tucked in.  the significance to that is that I went tucked in.  I haven't done that a lot lately.  I am feeling good.  My clothes are fitting good.  I am wearing clothes I couldn't last year!  that is huge and people are noticing. 

The picture was taken by the Reset Challenge Sensei and I asked her to take it after I asked her if my clothes looked bigger and she said yes, that it was probably time to go shopping =D  That made me happy.  Maybe it is time and maybe it isn't, but no matter what I feel GREAT!

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