Sunday, June 7, 2015

RESET Challenge: Day 19 - the 501st - I promise this isn't a Star Wars Blog

Yesterday a milestone came and went with little fan far or notice.  I posted my 500th blog yesterday, but I was more focused on the weight I had lost than the significance of the post I did telling everyone about the weight loss.  I have been blogging since September of 2013.  It has been my journal, my outlet, my healing, it has been my life.  I am proud of myself for starting this blog and continuing it.  It is a game changer or at least for me it has been. It has helped me save my life.  

So I am feeling proud...

why the star wars pictures?  Why not!  Actually the 501st Legion is the legion that marched on the Jedi Temple and helped Vader erase the Jedi order.   So what better way show the 51st blog than with some of the most ruthless and bad ass clones in the business. 

By the way, I found this while I was looking for a 501st picture, I found this, pretty sweet:

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