Saturday, June 13, 2015

RESET Challenge: Day 24 and Day 25 - +1.8

I gained this week.  I was pretty disappointed.  I tried really hard not to be down about it, but I couldn't help it.  If worked so hard and I wanted to be Ian the twenties so bad.  I was sure the last 8 lbs to get to my smoker where right just a few weighs away.  5 days left on the cleanse and I got the biggest curve ball of it today.  I just never thought I'd gain. My eyes filled with tears, I wanted to scream. I was scared.  I was scared because I know myself and I know this is how it can begin.  It's a slippery slope with the food and me.  And I'm scared of what a set back will do to me. 

So, I came home and I went for an hour walk.  I made a food plan for the week.  I went shopping and now I'm working on executing my plan.  

I can't give up now.  I can't turn back.

I have to much going may way.  There's no reason to fear.  I can do this.  Even being up 1.8 I still feel better l, move better, and fit into my clothes better.  Today was a blip on the radar.  I'm not the same person I was before.

Can't worry about it, just have to keep pushing on.

I'll rebound from this and get better!

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