Friday, June 19, 2015

RESET Challenge: Day 29, and Day 30, and the Rest of My life

I have first have to thank Chrissy Bernazzani and Reset Nutrition and Fitness for the last 30 days.  I think this is the start of a very long and beautiful partnership that will ultimately put me on the finish line of my goals.  Chrissy’s challenge has been amazing and she is super supportive and always there to provide guidance.  This Challenge has been a game, not a game but a life changer for me.  So thank you so much!  

So here we are at the end of the Challenge.  What was the first thing I did today being off the RESET challenge; I had my first cup of coffee in 30 days!  You know what, missed it big time!  I am on the fence about whether or not I am going to start drinking the coffee again, I love the taste, but I am not so sure I really need it.   So, the debate begins in my head coffee or no coffee.  Looking back at the last 30 days that is about the only thing that is really up for debate, as I don’t see myself really changing what I am doing from a “diet” point of view.  The truth is we have known for some time that I am a junky and an over eater.  I think there are two factors that propagate tis more than anything else: 1) Sugar and 2) Stress of the SS (Sugar and Stress) and I am not 100% sure in that order either. 
Processed sugar is the work of the devil.  I am more convinced about that now than ever, but any sugar in my system leads me to want more sugar.  It makes me want to have more sugar.  I crave it.  I dream about it when I am using.  I am a person of extremes and I have very little balance, especially when it comes to sugar.  I eat twice as much when I am on the sugar, b/c I crave it and I hunt for it. Therefore, barring special occasion and holidays, I have decided that sugar in all forms even honey, syrup, and fruit are off limits.  I don’t feel the least bit deprived when I don’t have these things.  Really, I don’t.  I mean on occasion.  I think this is key to my long term health and wellbeing.  I can be the boy by the statue again, I can be the kid in the green shirt again, but it will take staying away from not just the devil powder but also the fruit. 
The second thing that will keep me away from achieving my goals and missing the opportunity to get to my tower is stress.  My situation changed in my career over the last three weeks and stress has really kicked in during the last two weeks.  I can tell the difference.  I want to eat everything when I am under stress.   I want to eat nachos, I want to eat pizza, ice cream, cookies, cake, you name it I want to eat and I crave it.  It sits in the back of my mind, and I thinking about, every thought bent on it, I want it.  It is all because of stress.  I recognize this now and I will tell you valued reader that I will not in any way shape or form sacrifice my health again.  I think it is so important to surround yourself in a caring and good environment with people around you who you can trust and feel good about being around.   The Billy b first phase of my life has begun and it is a selfish phase and I really do believe that it is the only way I can survive.  So, I will watch vigilantly and see if my stress levels and craving go up, then it might be time for me to rethink things.   You have manage your stress and manage your life, we don’t get a long time on this Earth and you don’t get any do overs or redo’s, so it imperative that I put me first, and fuck the stress.  I can’t constantly be stressed and thinking about eating junk.  Eventually it will own me and take me. So, it is all about getting the right people around me or getting in the right environment.  My head space has to be focus on my tower.  It has to be focused on my dreams and some stress is ok but over all I need to have my life on my terms not anyone else’s. 
So, here is my agenda of keeping sugar out of my diet and here is to keeping a low stress level and putting me in the best position I can, so I can be the person I dream about being.  Here is to the end of the RESET Challenge, and here is the to the beginning of the rest of my life!

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