Tuesday, June 2, 2015

RESET Challenge: Day 14 - Steering Wheel

Interesting fact:  of all the cars on the Chevy and Ford Dealer Ships in Clay City Indiana (http://burklemotors.com/) and there were a lot of them, the one that I fit in the best was the Chevy Volt.  Ironically, I think it was also one of the smallest cars on the lot.  However, at the time entering the Volt was about as easy as it was for me to enter in any new car I was looking at.  However, easy is a matter of relativity isn't it?  When I say I could get in, I meant I could push myself in and move the wheel without hitting my gut.

Unfortunately, since owning the Volt I put on even more weight.  However, I was always able to push into the car and push out.  Also, thank the light, the gut never got big enough that I wasn't able to drive the Volt, or her proper name Snowflake as we call her. 

Anyway, getting in and out was a real drag.  Don't even get me started on having to use a seatbelt extender.  That will be a story for another day. 

I can't count how many times Rachel has been in snowflake with me since I have owned her.  It is like trying to count how many hairs (I so want to say ass here) on my face.  There are just to many to count. 

So last night when she came to get puppy and we decided to make a WF run to get some dinner, and we got in Snowflake and started off on our journey and she turns and looks and says, "Wow, there is a ton of space now between you and the steering wheel!" You can't help but smile and say, well I am kicking ass right now.

I smiled and I am still smiling.  Because I know I am getting better, better every day.  Even though yesterday was rough an stressful, today is a new day and we will get better.  We are getting better with each day!  Walks are easier, moving is easier, everything is trending up =)

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