Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Page 54

Book of 2016
- Page 54 -

I really miss the islands.  I wish I was still there.  That is OK, some day I will make enough money to retire there.  Can you imagine me as a fit old man running and swimming all over Kaua'i, I sure can. 

Mean while things back in the office went like this today, is anyone surprised my burrito took a leak on me.  I was even so careful too!  This wouldn't be an issue if you were eating in a pool like I did a lot over the last three days, you get something on you, no worries, just go under water and it is all right as rain!

Honestly, other than the burrito pissing on me, it was a good first day back.  The right balance of crazy and chill.   Good to see my peeps back at the office too.  Now working on my taxes, then gonna call it a night and go home and relax, get to bed early and have a wonderful day number 2 back in the office!

Night Ya'll

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