Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Page 41

Book of 2016
- Page 41 - 

I would still argue #1 doctor of all time is my Dad!  What can I say, he is my Dad.  However I saw this and thinking about the Islands and well, I just knew this was pretty damn true too.  

Sunshine = Good!
Water = Good!
Rest = GOOD!
Air = Good!
Exercise = Good!
Diet = ????

I guess it all depends on what you mean by a diet?  Do you mean like a weight loss program or do you mean what you eat day to day to sustain yourself?  If you are talking about the later and if it is eating real food, that you enjoy the taste of to sustain life, then we have another GOOD!

I love Sunshine above all else on this list. I am child of the sun and I can't till Sunday afternoon when I can lamp in the sun on a beach on an Island in the middle of the pacific!  Nice!!!!

I drink at least 80 oz of water a day.  Most days we are going over 100, so that is another on the nice list!  

I swear I am going to sleep the entire day my first day in Kauai!  I can't wait.  

I am definitely going to have my positive energy books with me and I am going to just relax and take in deep full breathes of air!

Exercise.  No reason I am not walking a little bit every day on the Island!  I can do laps around the hotel no problem, or some laps in the pool.  Either / or / both... who knows lets see where the trip takes us.

Diet = eat what I want, but try and add good things to it each day... greens, fruits, veggies... +++++ add and add and then add some more!!!

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