Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Page 40

Book of 2016
- Page 40 -

I am fucking exhausted right now.  I don't know why.  I have been tired all week. I think I might be going back into AFIB.  The question becomes am I tired b/c of stress or tired b/c of AFIB.  I am short with my patience today as well.  So, my BP might be up.  I am just sitting staring at the computer hoping I will make it home awake.  I just don't know why I am so whipped.  I can't explain it.  At least vacation is next week and that will be some good relaxing.  My pulse seems to be pretty steady.  Let's hope the blood pressure is good as well.  i have fucked around to much with my heart lately. I can't let that keep going.  I need to be healthy.  I think a key to being healthy is being happy. I think being happy is so important.  Working very hard on my positive mental attitude. I already know what book I am going to get next "The Power of Positive Thinking: A Practical Guide to Mastering the Problems of Everyday Living"  It was recommended by friend.  I am excited about it.  Working very hard to be positive. Working hard to love and respect myself and do what is right by Billy b.

 Off home to have Tacos with the Beav and to discuss renting my place, places in Tri Valley, and the Indy 500!

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