Thursday, February 4, 2016

Page 35

Book of 2016
-Page 35-
Wow.  Page 35 already.  The pages are really starting to turn quickly.  We are on the eve of Super Bowl Weekend and I feel, well I feel pretty damn good.  I think my eating has been under control all week.  So, maybe I had some sushi today, and maybe it was not the just the fish kind, but the roll kind, it was good, I felt good eating it, and I don't give a hoot other wise.  I am not going to punish myself anymore for what I eat.  I am just going to keep trying to make good choices, better choices, more quality choices.  I am going to move as much as I can each day.  I park far back in the parking lot b/c every step counts.  I am really working on my positive mental attitude.  It is so important for me to become positive.  I have been true to my word of listening to my affirmations each day.  To looking myself in the face and telling myself I am worth it.  Even as I whisper Warts and ALL!  The truth is I have done some much in my life and I have a ton of shit to be proud of.  I have overcome depression.  I have over come an obsessive personality disorder.  I own a house.  I am a CPA.  I have great job.  I have great people in my life.  I have good friends.  So, there is so much to celebrate.  So, there is no time to sit down and judge myself for the things I eat.  

I am feeling pretty good even though I went this the following list and went  0- 5, while riding in the car with two people who were pretty much 5 for 5.  the list covers the habits of the emotionally balanced people.  I think anyone who has read this blog for a long time would laugh out loud if I tried to consider myself emotionally balanced.  I am not, but that doesn't mean I can't be.  The time of Billy b is now!

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